AFIO Principles and Objectives
AFIO members subscribe to the US intelligence community’s core values of patriotism, excellence, integrity, dedication and loyalty. By understanding the history of intelligence from its ancient world underpinnings to twenty-first century wizardry, AFIO’s key objectives and principles are to support today’s needs and foster forward thinking for:
A strong and responsible national intelligence establishment able to manage growing threats and issues in today’s globally intertwined environment.
Understanding of the intellectual, political, business and public communities for an effective and cohesive national intelligence infrastructure.
Strategies in intelligence operations that support leaders at the local, state and federal levels as they make timely security decisions.
Stimulation of interest in the career needs of US Intelligence and its contractors, among a wide range of students at high schools and universities around the country.
Execution of effective national policies that advance the defense and security of the country, its citizens and its allies.